
What is Meadow Street in Bayswater now called?

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When I lived there 1964-1968 we lived at the top of the street and there was a market garden next to us. I know the street was extended and was renamed prior to 1982.




  1. Bayswater is a place in the City of Westminster. It is a built-up district located 3 miles (4.8 km) west north-west of Charing Cross and borders the north of Hyde Park.

    Bayswater is one of London's most cosmopolitan areas, with the significant diversity of the local population added to by having one of London's biggest concentration of hotels. Notably, there is a significant Arab population, a large number of Americans, a substantial Greek community attracted by London's Greek Orthodox Cathedral and the area is also a centre of London's Brazilian community.

    meadow street..

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