
What is Middle Eastern Culture like?

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I am very interesting in the customs, and ways of the middle east. I am thrilled to be going there. Cannot wait. Please tell me everything about it, i want to know, very badly.




  1. where are you from ?anyway that is beside the point only due to your grammatical mistake !( I am interested rather than interesting !).

    But back to your question in middle east we have different cultures( Iranian-Hebrew-and Arab, even among arabs there are Iraqies-Lebanese...etc.).

    One can say all of them are warm and hospitable .

  2. Middle eastern culture is sure to be very different than eastern or western cultures.

    I guess you already tried or at least heard about Middle eastern cuisine, great food.

    Check this out

    The MOST interesting countries in my opinion worth visiting are Lebanon (beirut), Syria, Jordan (Amman, Dead sea, Petra , Aqaba) and Emirates (Dubai).

  3. Middle East has many different cultures so you need to be more specific as to which country your going to travel to.;-)

  4. dear madeline s:

    as you want to travel to middle east there are a lot of countries with different cultures.

    but i recommend you to travel to iran as is one of the most beautiful countries in middle east but i am ready to help and provide you information as much as i can.

    A brief introduction ofa private tourist guide:

    My name is Muhammad, a 23 years man, well educated (B.A in English translator) right now i serve as the translator/interpreter to an import/export company in Tehran. A person who speaks English, Dari, little Pashtu and of course Persian as my native language.

    I am a personal and private tourist guide and I'm ready to help foreign visitors of Iran to enjoy their trip and save their time as well as their money, while feeling more security.

    If you are thinking to travel to Iran, don't hesitate to contact me. I love being with foreign tourists and helping them as much as I can. So, again if you need any information about Iran, don't wait, just contact me.

    the following is my contact details:


    i also been the tour guide to:

    1) james randy from Austrailia /Adelaide

    2) Daniele prandi from Switzerland lugano (Ticino)

    3) Tonatiuh ambrosetti from Switzerland (lussane)

    4) Debbie Wilson from Belgium

    5) Bashir-al- Muhammad from Iraq.

    Many thanks,

    pls refer to my website...

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