
What is Multiple Personality Disorder and it's Symptoms?

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I think i may be suffering from multiple personality disorder i wanted to know what the symptoms are and check what it actually is before i go see my GP.





  1. Large gaps in your memory.

    Having blackouts.

    People talking about things you did that you can't remember.

    Feeling as if you are "possessed" or being controlled by more than one personality.

    Disassociative symptoms (feeling as if you're hovering above your body, feeling as if you're not inside your own body, feeling like you are on auto-pilot)





    it's very very rare. these days i think it is over-diagnosed.  

  2. Hope this is helpful.

  3. Multiple personality disorder, or MPD, is a mental disturbance classified as one of the dissociative disorders in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). It has been renamed dissociative identity disorder (DID). MPD or DID is defined as a condition in which "two or more distinct identities or personality states" alternate in controlling the patient's consciousness and behavior.  "Split personality" is not an accurate term for DID and should not be used as a synonym for schizophrenia.

    Causes and symptoms

    The severe dissociation that characterizes patients with DID is currently understood to result from a set of causes:

    An innate ability to dissociate easily

    Repeated episodes of severe physical or sexual abuse in childhood

    The lack of a supportive or comforting person to counteract abusive relative(s)

    The influence of other relatives with dissociative symptoms or disorders

    The relationship of dissociative disorders to childhood abuse has led to intense controversy and lawsuits concerning the accuracy of childhood memories. The brain's storage, retrieval, and interpretation of childhood memories are still not fully understood.

    The major dissociative symptoms experienced by DID patients are amnesia, depersonalization, derealization, and identity disturbances.

    hope this helps..

  4. When someone has been traumitized, for whatever reason as a child usually, they tend to develop another personality to deal with the pain if you will...there is a movie called 'the three faces of Eve'...which is based on a true story, of a woman who had three personalities...She developed each on of them,, to deal with the horrific sexual abuse she had been exposed to. I don't think that you have this though. You wouldn't know that you had them. You might be having mood swings instead, but you are wise to go talk to a trusted doctor, and see if you can get some help with whatever it is that is bothering you. My prayers are will you sweetie,...God Bless and glad you are smart enough to go get some answers from your doctor

  5. Dissociative identity disorder, formerly called multiple personality disorder, is characterized by 2 or more identities or personalities that alternate and by an inability to recall important personal information relating to some of the identities. The cause is typically overwhelming childhood trauma. Diagnosis is based on history, sometimes supplemented by hypnosis or drug-facilitated interviewing. Treatment is psychotherapy, sometimes combined with drug therapy.

    Individuals with Dissociative identity disorder (DID) demonstrate a variety of symptoms with wide fluctuations across time; functioning can vary from severe impairment in daily functioning to normal or high abilities. Symptoms can include:

        * multiple mannerisms, attitudes and beliefs that are dissimilar to each other

        * headaches and other body pains

        * distortion or loss of subjective time

        * depersonalization

        * amnesia

        * depression

    Patients may experience an extremely narrow array of other symptoms that resemble epilepsy, schizophrenia, anxiety, Mood disorders, posttraumatic stress, personality, and eating disorders.[

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