
What is Mundane tasks?

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  1. Lifting blacks up is no longer a matter of getting whites off our necks. We are faced, rather, with the mundane tasks of teaching those "left behind" after the civil rights victory how to succeed in a complex society - one in which there will never be a second civil rights revolution.

  2. I'm not sure of your question.

    I think you are asking what "mundane" means - is that right?

    A mundane task is something that is not challenging or stimulating.  It is a task that is necessary but not enjoyable.  It is a task that we do so often that is almost automatic, we can do it without thinking much about it, it doesn't take any brain power.

    Some examples would be:  doing laundry, walking down to the mailbox to get mail, making coffee, washing dishes, letting the dog out - you get the idea!

  3. Anything that is considered not to spark the interest and imagination of the person carrying it out.

  4. I thought this was the Special Ed section, not a dictionary?
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