
What is NATO? Whats the importance in the Georgia Conflict?

by Guest32762  |  earlier

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what is it, and why is it important in the georgia- russian conflict

Id appreciate details about NATO more than anything, thanks =)

(why and what is it)




  1. Well, the answers above partly have it - it wasn't formed in response to the Cold War, but well before, in 1949 as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.  It was formed as a response to the years of WWII, and was originally made up of various western European countries.  It defined itself as a "mutual defense" organization, meaning that each member was required to go to the defense of any other member under attack.  

    It's purpose has varied through the years depending upon the world political situation.  In the beginning it was political in nature, then later focussed on Korea as an enemy of Europe, then on the USSR as the biggest threat to world peace.  In recent years it focusses on militant Islamic regimes.  

    There was a treaty signed between the EU and NATO in 2002 that says that the EU can use NATO's "resources" in the event there is a threat and NATO votes not to act.  Only then CAN the EU move to use NATO's resources: it is estimated that the countries comprising NATO hold 70% of the world's defense resources (military and monetary).  

    Since the Berlin Wall fell, and the USSR was dissolved, several formerly Soviet countries have petitioned to join NATO - holding in common the commitment to defend neighbors who might come under Russian threat.  Funny - the rest of the world thought the Russian threat was over, but people in the Soviet block nations have always insisted even after the fall of the USSR that Russia would do it again. . . seems they were right.  

    NATO is important in the conflict, because Georgia had asked to join NATO and was expected to be allowed to do so in the near future - Russia didn't want it, because it symbolizes a further progress of former Soviet countries toward becoming allies of the West economically and politically.  To understand why Russia is threatened by this you must understand the idea of Russian imperialism and its steady belief that it has the right to "influence" former block countries.  

  2. NATO is a military alliance of countries formed during the Cold War to provide a counter to the Soviet Union and its communist allies.  The Soviet Union is now gone, but NATO remains, and it's expanding its membership.  Several former communist countries have joined NATO in recent years.

    Georgia is one of the former Soviet republics seeking NATO membership.  Russia's government sees NATO expansion as a threat, and hates the idea of Georgia joining NATO.

  3. NATO-North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed during the cold war by the US and western european allies to face what seemed to be a looming threat of invasion by the Soviet Union.  Georgia has applied for membership in the Organization and has called on NATO to support them against the recent Russian aggression.

    Well, Mac you did a good job of expanding our answers--However you are mistaken about the timing of the formation of NATO and the beginning of the cold war...  The cold war actually began immediately following WW2.  If you want to point to a specfic event, you just have to look at the Berlin Airlift which started in June 1948,  in response to the Soviet Blockade of Berlin.   If you want to look at when the term "cold war" was coined you should look at this quote by Bernard Baruch in April 1947, a full two years before the signing of the treaty,  "Let us not be deceived: we are today in the midst of a cold war".

  4. this is NATO

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