
What is NHS in reference to health

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thanks! Is this something only in the United Kingdom or does it affect america also. Where can I find info on this in America




  1. In America I think there is something called Medicare which helps poorer people with their medical cover.  The UK has a National Health Service which provides free medical care.

  2. NHS - National Health Service. it is a funding for all medical needs, it was put in place to ensure that no one in the United Kingdom would go with out health care. it was really to protect the poor that couldnt afford health care.

    It is funded by tax payers.


    it covers all health area's (as far as i know) and medication, operations, and anythink someone in US would have to fork out a h**l of a lot of money for, or that there insurance would cover.

    doctors, Nurses, GP's, Dentists, and even prescription medication.


    America dosnt have a National health service, i think canida dose though. In us you have to have health insurance which you pay for. NHS is goverment funded, so we dont have to pay anythink.

    i know some people owuld probably hate me (americans mostly) for sugesting this. but watch sicko, by michael moore. it explains a lot. but if you cant stand blood, wounds and people sewing themselves up. dont watch it. lol

    just google NHS or national health service.

  3. Do you mean NOS? If so, it means Not Otherwise Specified, basically they have no idea why you have what you have, but you do indeed have it. It is the professional way to say "we have no idea".

  4. The same as a lard sarnie is to dieting :-)

  5. It means that since my name-sake Aneurin Bevan saw the bill through pariament in 1948, anyone in the UK, regardless of wealth or status can have free medical treatment.

  6. In Britain it is the National Health Service, an organisation set up after World War II which funds all medical treatment for all UK citizens. This includes all GP appointments, hospital stays, operations, long-term treatment, dentists, specialists, consultants, etc. So essentially all medical treatment in Britain is free - funded through taxes.

    It does not exist in America. The poor Americans, when they get ill, have to worry about how to pay for their treatment. I think it's shocking that a "civilised" country should still have people who die because they can't afford to see a doctor, and doctors who sell unnecessary procedures (e.g. cicumcision) to the public because they get paid for doing them.

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