
What is NIdo? Is it better, or does it have more nutrients that just plain whole milk? My son is 2 years.?

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What is NIdo? Is it better, or does it have more nutrients that just plain whole milk? My son is 2 years.?




  1. NIDO is a fortified milk. . .more vitamins and minerals and other essential nutrients and good bacterias are added for optimum health benefits and growth development of muscles bones and good immune system. . . it is actually better than just giving your 2 yr old just whole milk because he is still young and needs these nutrients for his overall development, specially when he doesn't eat well. . . this could at least balance his nutrition needs. . .

  2. cow's milk isn't very healthy.  give the kid water. substitute soy or almond milk for cereal.

  3. My son is 2 and half but has always been a very very picky eater so what I had to do was get him the toddler nutriment called pediasure and mix that with his milk and this gave him the additional nutrients.  He wouldn't just drink it alone because it tasted different so i had to mix it with his milk twice a day and it did good.  He now eats a little bit but still very very hard to feed!!I used to mix it with 3 percent but have now gone down to 2 percent because he eats a bit... I also started giving him a multivitamin but it calls for 2 a day i give him one because it doesnt have an age on it so he may be too young for the max dose(so the natural doc. said).  It is the progressive brand and it is mineral and veggie vitamin!!

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