
What is Navy boot camp really like?

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I know that the Marines here walk around with their big heads calling people who join the Navy wimps and what not so there is no need to post.

What is it really like? I know its hard to describe but mentally and physically what should I expect?




  1. Generally, most bootcamps are the same. The level of difficulty differs, but all of them are designed to be incredibly hard. You should expect to be broken down, and then built back up again. It won't be easy, but it'll be worth it in the long run. You'll gain a lot of discipline, a toned body, and a stronger mind.

  2. Navy boot camp is a joke... I went through it and if I had the option to do it again and again instead of being on a ship I would. They yell at you, and belittle you, and make you do push ups and whatever else, but it is a joke. If you are worried, don't be. You will survive, all of us did. Just be ready to learn all of the General Orders which you can look up online. That is the hardest part.

  3. This is what i can share according to my research:

    From toughest to not toughest training :

    M a r i n e s = Rough N` Tough

    A r m y = Tough Tough

    N a v y = somewhat tough?

    A i r F o r c e = Lets play golf!

  4. dont listen to what the marines say becuase if the navy was not here the marines would not be either and no real marines would say that the navy is 70percent indoors and working and the phyical par tis 30percent and outside

  5. It's like going to a Turkish steam bath, only you get paid for it!

  6. It's really not that bad.  You always get 8 hours of sleep a day, and the food is OK.  It did suck having to clean all the time but you'd better get used to that as a junior Sailor. There's a lot of BS "punishment PT" that's really just to get you in shape but it's really not that hard for a reasonably fit person anyhow.  In fact, some people in really great shape I know say they gained weight during boot camp.  Mentally it's not too challenging either but the hard part is not seeing your friends and family for 2 months.  Just keep a low profile, give 100 percent, and don't volunteer for anything (you get paid the same regardless and it certainly won't affect your career later on).  You'll get good at folding underwear too!  Have fun and enjoy that snazzy new battle stations!

  7. This should help.

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