
What is Nibiru and where does the story originate from?

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What is Nibiru and where does the story originate from?




  1. It is a planet/object that is talked about in Sumerian and Chaldean astronomy/astrology.

    Nibiru is the name of a planet/small dwarf sun system, that circulates the space between Sirius and our solar system. The time it takes to complete it's cycle is reportedly 3600 years. Barbara Hand Clow has a lot of information on this planet, it' s place in the history of our planet, etc., in the book entitled "Signet of Atlantis - War in Heaven Bypass".

  2. It dates back into the ancient egyptions/sumerians and if you ever learned anything in history class (about ancient civilizations) and what caused their doom. They were great astronimers and they said that this planet, X or Niburu whatever it's called passed by earth and destroyed their existance. That's what people are trying to say regarding 2012 the return of Niburu and bring upon the end. Since it wiped out earth a new era emerged and life changed. This is what going to happen according to the ancient egyptians/sumerian again- history repeats itself. Also, it took a long time I am thinking 2000-6000 years were due to see this "planet" circulate and approach earth once again by 2012. *This is what I heard btw I can't prove anything I said.* History... ancient theory.

  3. It comes from the ancient Sumerians, if you look at some of their artwork you see that they had a total of 10 planets included in their depiction of the solar system. Youtube has some good videos on it, but also a lot of c**p, you have to sort through it yourself.  has some very good videos on the sumerian and other theories related to the whole 2012 theory.

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