
What is Noah Cyrus' fan mail address?

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  1.  hey um its noie cyrus her i'm sooo not gonna tell u guys my email cause u r a bunch of jelous meanies thanks 2 the people who r on my side and the person who threatend me i have more than just 1 sis i also have 2 bros who are all older than miley

  2. noah cyrus is cool why would anyone want her to die



  3. I am Noahs BFF and I told her what you guys wrote and her mom is really upset! Noah said she isn't gonna be friends  with any of you. oh and you cannot hurt her and neither can ur sister. cuz she has a bodyguard. I am  her BFF i can tell her anything.

  4. i think her fan mail email is and her email is

  5. noah is way better then Frankie so you back off. Oh and FYI noahs birthday was yesterday! Happy birthday noah. And she is 11 years old now.And you who sadi noah should dy you are so gonna dy.

  6. You guys aren't nice!!! I think you should be reported. Noah Cyrus rules! Duh Got ur bak too Noah. L0lz@ttyl

  7. Im noah friend!! thats her private email adress..

  8. i got this email

  9. i dnt no but im sorry to noah because u people r being so mean 2 her i cant believe it! if ur just gonna write mean stuff then dont write nothing at all!i got ur bak noah!<3

  10. I realy nead noah cyruss email addresss

  11. i hate noah cyrus dah she should dy

  12. what is your email noah cyrus i am 12 and i am strog and if you dont tell me what it is i will hurt you cause your onley 10 and my sis will hurt you to cuase she is 17 miley cant hurt me cuase she is not strog i live in purcell ok 925 lovers lane like me and my sis will she say shut up to you  and i will jump on you and i mean what whld miley do to me

  13. hi my name is zowie i love the movie ponyo i want to see it so bad. i like frainke so back of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok so bye

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