
What is O'Mai the essential oil?

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i just bought an essential oil because i thought it smelt really good and wanted to add it to safflower oil and use as a moisturizer but what is it good for? like... eucalyptus is for relaxation and spearmint is for calming.... thxxx




  1. thats a new one on me. I buy and resell essential oils but I never heard of this one.  essential oils come from plants and i never heard of an O'mai. It is probably a blend with the name given by the packager, thats the best I can offer. Is this product one oil or several oils?

  2. Never heard of this, even when I googled it.  

    I'm going to assume that this is probably not an essential oil and that it is either a fragrance oil or a blend of several different essential oils that this manufacturer has labed as "O'Mai."

    The difference between "essential oils" and "fragrance oils" is that the essential oils are 100% natural and fragrance are 100% synthetic.  Essentials also have different properties to help increas overall wellbeing, (ie, lavender for calming, peppermint to perk you up, etc.) while fragrances have no health properties whatsoever.  In fact, fragrances can have substances known as "pthalates" in them that can cause a host of problems from respitory problems to altering DNA in young children.

    So always check to make sure what you are buying is indeed "essential oil" or "essential oil blend" as only essentials can be labeled as such.

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