
What is OCD? (And the affects it has on people?)

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What is OCD? (And the affects it has on people?)




  1. Do not confuse obsessive behavior with obsessive compulsive disorder. People often diagnose themselves (doctors will diagnose people incorrectly with it sometimes as well) as suffering from OCD due to things like being a neat freak. OCD is a serious mental disorder that causes people to fixate on something to the point that they are no longer able to function normally. Some people become germ obsessed and need to wash their hands literally hundreds of times a day, shower dozens of times daily, etc. Howie Mandel suffers from OCD, and wore latex gloves during his appearance on Celebrity Poker Showdown.

    People who can't sleep because they didn't fold their laundry do not have OCD. People who notice if a picture on their bookshelf (or someone else's) has been moved half a centimeter out of place and have to put it back probably do. Pet peeves and obsessive behavior do not qualify for OCD.  

  2. Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Wikipedia is always helpful for a general idea -

  3. When people do things repetitively to relieve stress/anxiety.

    I rip out hair from just about everywhere, cept my head. It doesnt affect me much and I live a normal (if somewhat hairless) life :D

  4. For me, obsessive behavior seems to help alleviate stress, although, it may be the other way around.  

  5. it stands for obsessive compulsive disorder.

    Often occurs when someone is a neat freak or has a high desire to want something a certain way.

    *for example:*

    i usually leave my clothes out the night before i go to skool in the morning. But this one time i woke up in the middle of the night realizing that i forgot to leave my clothes out, i can always do it in the morning but i can't sleep knowing i forgot to do something, idk y but it just bothers me

  6. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder involves obsessions and compulsions.


    Obsessions are intrusive thoughts, impulses, or images that are unwanted, inappropriate, and appear "out of the blue".

    Compulsions are repeated irresistible behaviors (such as hand washing) or mental acts (such as silent counting or repetition of words) that often follow obsessions.

    I need to think about the affects it has on people...?  More coming later (maybe).     :-)

  7. OCD (Obsessive Comulsive Disorder) and OCPD(Obsessive Compulsive PERSONALITY Disorder) must NEVER be confused:


    is a chronic anxiety disorder most commonly characterized by obsessive, distressing, intrusive thoughts and related compulsions (tasks or "rituals") which attempt to neutralize the obsessions


    OCD is when a person becomes very obsessed over something and does their hardest to try and releive what they want to do or see or hear or whatever in any way they can, at least thats What I get from it whern I read about it

    Sometimes it can cause twitching or jerking



    Preoccupation with details, rules, lists, order, organization, or schedules to the extent that the actual point of doing so is forgotten

    Showing perfectionism that interferes with task completion (e.g., is unable to complete a project because his/her standards are not met)

    Excessive devotion to work and productivity to the exclusion of activities and friendships(Work first fun later)

    Being overconscientious, scrupulous, and inflexible about matters of morality, ethics, or values (not accounted for by cultural or religious identification) (Basically, not very wanting to change their perspective on life or anything, but maybe a little bit flexable with religion if any and cultures >_>;)

    OC "P" D, emphasis on P, is when a person is a complete rule and neat freak that they can get easilly agitated when something isnt perfect. The perfectionist.

    OCD is often confused as the perfetion disorder, but its NOT

    There info about both OCD and OCPD :)

    Im sorry if its too much with the OCPD thing but I just get so mad when people confuse them... I have OCPD and its just frustrating hearing it get confused or left out >_>;

  8. It's when someone is very obsessive the disorder effects them in their daily life.  Some people will have to check to see if their door is locked ten times before leaving, or count all the cracks in the sidewalk, etc.  They can't help it and it really effects them in their everyday life.

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