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  1. Farming with little pesticides and no hormones injected into the animals.  Also the animals are free range which means they are allowed to walk freely rather than being trapped in a cage or stall.

    I didnt believe in the "organic c**p" before, but since we started buying organic we can tell a difference.  Especially with the milk! I am lactose by my boyfriend loves the organic milk better!

  2. Farming that is done without the aid of pesticides and chemicals.

  3. form of agriculture done without using any chemical fertilizers and using natural manure

  4. Organic farming is a form of agriculture which excludes the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, plant growth regulators, livestock feed additives, and genetically modified organisms. As far as possible, organic farmers rely on crop rotation, integrated pest management, green manure, crop residue, compost and mechanical cultivation to maintain soil productivity and control pests. Organic farming is often contrasted with conventional, or mainstream, farming.

  5. i totally agree with Bumper Crop.  Environmentalist are going to be the people that kill farming trends in todays industry.  ORGANIC has become a mainstream word in the media, and by doing that its created major problems in the Agriculture industry.  The food produced by todays trends are plenty safe to eat.  If everyone stays on the ORGANIC c**p food prices are going to skyrocket! Farmers need this technology to produce enough food so consumers wont have to pay dramatic prices for their food.  Heres a figure for you..... 2% of the nations workforce farms. That 2% feeds 88% of the United States population.  Without the new technology, that would never happen.

  6. Some mis-information here.

    Free range farming can be organic or non-organic. IE a free range chicken can be feed horomones or given shots.

    Organic also requires the farmer to know that all the inputs to the farm are organic. If you used manure from a commercial chicken farm as a fertlizer then you would not be organic.

    The US goverment now has rules defining what is organic food.

  7. Organic farming is a brand that presents itself as being healthier for the consumer, better nutrition as well as less chemical contaminants. A certification body checks on practices in use, and kicks out farmers who violate protocol.

    In Britain it became illegal to argue that there were health benefits of any kind for organically grown food, on grounds the claims had not been proven. But despite this restriction, certified organic brfand continues to sell all its products at premium prices.

    It is observed often that were all farms to go organic, the prices of organic foods would drop to subsistence levels, based on supply and demand. I doubt this. Production would drop to place in doubt our ability to feed both people and the livestock we currently support.

    But by reducing production this way we may not need price supports.

  8. Organic farmers use materials and methods that have lesser impact on the soil and the surrounding environment. Instead of using chemical fertilizers, organic cotton farmers fertilize by rotating crops, using compost, and planting crops that naturally introduce nitrogen into the soil. Organic farmers reduce the use of pesticides by using methods such as pest-resistant seeds.

    The use of chemical pesticides in the US has become overwhelming. One study has shown that a third of a pound of chemicals is used to grow enough cotton for one t-shirt. Most health-conscious people know to avoid ingesting these chemicals through our food and water, but not as many consider the implications of wearing clothing made with materials tainted by these harmful elements.

    Many of these chemicals can lead to long-term allergies and skin disorders through exposure via clothing. Not only do these chemicals affect our health by direct exposure, they creep into the soil and water sources of nearby farms, which inevitably spread to rivers, streams and the air and scatter throughout the environment.

    Organic farming recognizes these threats and reduces or eliminates them. And it shows. Organic farms have more birds in their fields and natural wildlife surrounding that serve as insect-eaters.

    For clothing made from organic cotton grown by organic farmers, see

  9. no pesticides or mixes with other foods..meaning no cross breeds of

  10. cultivation of crops with the help of naturally available substances. no synthetics are used i.e chemical fertilisers or chemical insecticides

  11. i concur with the first three answers if combined.

  12. Organic farming is a form of agriculture which excludes the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, plant growth regulators, livestock feed additives, and genetically modified organisms. As far as possible, organic farmers rely on crop rotation, integrated pest management, green manure, crop residue, compost and mechanical cultivation to maintain soil productivity and control pests. Organic farming is often contrasted with conventional, or mainstream, farming.

    Organic agricultural methods are internationally regulated and legally enforced by many nations, based in large part on the standards set by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, an international umbrella organization for organic organizations. Approximately 310,000 square kilometres (75 million acres) worldwide are now farmed organically.

    Since 1990 the market for organic products has grown at a rapid pace, averaging 20-25% per year, and this has driven a similar increase in organically managed farmland. As of 2001, the estimated total market value of certified organic products was estimated to be $20 billion.

    Organic farms yield on average 10-15% less conventional farms, but the lower yields are balanced by lower input costs (fertilizer, pesticides) and higher margins. Repeated studies and observations have found that organic farms withstand severe weather conditions better than conventional farms, often yielding 70-90% more than conventional farms during droughts. Research on the profitability of organic farms has lead to mixed conclusions.

    The overarching goal of organic farming is defined as follows:

    "The role of organic agriculture, whether in farming, processing, distribution, or consumption, is to sustain and enhance the health of ecosystems and organisms from the smallest in the soil to human beings."

  13. It is also called, "poor farming", "lazy farming" and "unproductive farming".

    You just produce 10% of what you should, and full of weeds.

    Just for being truly cheap and not spending what you should in fertilizers and herbicides...

  14. A farm that uses no chemicals or sprays cant treat any drugs on stock. The farm has to of been free from this for somthing like 3 years befor it is organic. To treat sick stock you have a radition machen that you put water and minerals in and it puts radiotion through it and you have a organic drug so to say to treat stock with. About the only things you get to use are cleaning agents ie acids or costic in a dairy farm. I have mats that work on a organic dairy farm in australia victoria. bumper crop you dont know what your on about my mates boss gets a lot more money for his milk than my partners boss dose. He would get paid 3 times the amount of a normal farm. The farm they are on has stuf all weeds and they grow lots of feed. You can still put lime and things like that on your podicks to grow feed. If you wont to be organic then you have to chop weeds out by hand and top (cut weeds with mower) on a regular bases. His farm would have to be one of the cleanest in the distric. Bumper crop you suck :p

  15. The process where animals are free to roam and eat natural plants.

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