
What is Obama's beef with the "Patriot Act"?

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Could it be because it prevented more terror attacks because we were warned and intervened.

Or, is it because of his nefarious ties with the Chicago Political Union mafia machine




  1. Because it allows the government to spy on Americans without a warrant, eroding the freedom of americans which the soldiers are supposedly fighting for.

  2. Or the breech of habeas corpus.

  3. With all of Obamas ties to unscrupulous people, including the Chicago mob, extremists, bombers, white haters, jewish haters, and convicted criminals that bought him off, I'd say they don't want any eyes on them.

  4. the Patriot Act has undermined individual freedoms.

    What good does it do anyone to keep all those lists?  How is it going to protect anyone to know what books Im reading from the library?  Have you never heard of freedom? Privacy? Freedom from search?

    The Patriot Act is McCarthyism all over again

  5. He is not truly going to protect our country from more terror - he is too afraid of stepping on a terrorist's toes.

  6. Have you ever wondered that just maybe if America minded its own d**n business around the world just maybe we wouldn't be so hated around the world.

    We think were the policemen of the world- You Iran do this. You Iraq go do this, Who are we to tell the rest of the world what to do? Are we god the superior country who controls the world? I believe in setting a good example as a country not forcing democracy on countries that have no desire to do it.

    9/11 was causes by our failed policies of be the policement of the whole world- We've been bombing Iraq for 10 years killing innocent civilians, babies, and forcing our ways on them.

    We have millitary bases on their holy ground.

    Just think if China put a millitary base in the Gulf of Mexico we would hate them and we would take action just like the middle east is doing against us.

    Even Martin Luther King warned us about America being the policemen of the whole world.

    John F Kennedy warned us of the secrecy of government.

    Quite ironic that 2 of these nations heroes were assassinated. Sounds like an inside job to me- Our greatest enemy is not Osama Bin Ladin, our greatest enemy is our own government.

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