
What is Obama's change experience?

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Obama has been active in Chicago and Illinois politics for some time now and we have the strongest Democrat controlled state that is also the most corrupt felony ridden organized crime controlled state in the country. The Governor is a Democrat, his father in law d**k Mell is a long standing leader in Chicago's Democrat machine, the State House of Representatives is Democrat controlled, the State Senate is Democrat controlled, Cook County is Democrat controlled, the City of Chicago is Democrat controlled, the state is now ranked as the strongest Democrat controlled state in the country, Massachusetts is now second. Obama has helped increase the horrible corruption by the Democrat Party and organized crime in Illinois. Some of his close friends, business partners and clients are in prison. Is he going to bring this type of "leadership" to the Presidency? His limited experience doesn't show change it shows an increase in corruption. Please describe what good things he'd do and explain why he didn't do this for Illinois when the Democrat Party controls everything? Please honestly give this some thought. I've known and followed Illinois politics for a long time. Far longer than he's had the name Barrack and people need to wake up and see reality. (He always went by the name Barry until recently.)

We should be judged on our actions far more than our words.




  1. ok, Mr Bush...calm yourself down.

    The world is not coming to an end just yet..unless we give YOU another 8 yrs maybe....

  2. Pat yourself on the back, buddy! You're a genious!


  3. Funny, why do I hear crickets chirping?


  4. See: American Gangster

    Denzel = Barack.

    Except Barack has the I.Q. of a peice of roadkill.

  5. LOL!!!! Hey...go to this site to this Florida news station. The article points out something VERY scary. McCain only met and actually spoke to Palin ONE TIME!!!!!! ONE TIME!!!! IN HIS WHOLE PATHETIC LIFE!!!! AND----------she WASN'T on the list he had for potential VP's. So what happened? After seeing Obama's huge gathering and successful DNC the MCain camp decided that the only way they were going to have any chance at winning the election is to get pissed off Clinton supporters by nominating a "pretty woman". One with so little experience that there would be nothing really bad that Obama supporters could pull out of her past. Sad thing is that vengeful wired old white women who care more about feminism than having the country blown to smithereens will vote for a republican who doesn't give a rats tail about them just to spite Obama. http://www.news4jax. com/ politics/17323505/detail.html

  6. His change on the War in Iraq shows his experience with change.He changed on why the War in Iraq was wrong, starting out saying it was unjustified, then that USA was losing the war, and now saying that the troops should be deployed to Afghanistan.

  7. How many other Democrats were in Chicago politics and the Illinois state legislature while he was there?  Can you give me a scenario under which any one of them could have changed the situation?  Or should I ask the same question about George Bush, who has been president for 8 years while the Republicans(as well as the Democrats) have exhibited a ridiculous level of corruption in the House and the Senate?  Obama's friends may be in jail, but he's not, which indicates that he hasn't done anything worthy of criminal prosecution.  How did his membership in the Illinois state legislature increase corruption?  Since Barack Hussein Obama is the name on his birth certificate, most politicians don't use nicknames, so I assume this is the reason he is not using his.  I can imagine the difficulty of trying on a casual basis to get people to pronounce your name correctly.  When you're a big public figure, enough newspeople pronounce it correctly so that everybody learns it.

    As far as actions, John McCain has plenty of them in the past to be ashamed of, too, and I don't like most of his words, either.

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