
What is Obama's record?

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When I look at Obama's record of voting in the Senate I see that he was not voting the majority of votes. Can anyone explain why? What has Obama tried to change in his 2 years in the Senate? Is this the "change" and "hope" we are looking for?




  1. do you really think obama is good? i think he sucks and hope mccain beats him!! if you disagree you should go vote for obama on this site..

  2. State senate :

    Adds health insurance for 20,000 children, Welfare reform,

    Earned income tax credit, increased minimum wage ($5.15 to

    $6.50). Death penalty reform making interrogations be video

    taped passed Senate 58-0, signed to law by governor who first

    opposed Obama’s bill. Sponsored bill probing police profiling.

    Obama opposed Iraq war publically, long before the invasion.

    Accurately depicted it as undetermined length, undetermined

    cost, undetermined objective, resulting as civil war. Same

    assessment Bush Sr. & d**k Cheney both gave in early 90’s.

    Federal senate :

    Worked with republican senator Lugar to expand and author

    program to locate & dismantle stray Russian WMD’s left over

    from the cold war after the disbanding of the USSR.

    Jan. 2007, major ethics/lobbying reform bill, w/ Russ Feingold

    insisted tougher measures banning lobbyist gifts/ meals/ jets,

    disclosure of earmark & contribution bundling to candidates or

    committees; restricts retiring Congress from going into lobbying

    Toured Kuwait, Jordan, Israel, Palestinian territories, he told

    Palestinian Authority Abbas that US would never recognize

    Hamas leaders until they renounced mission to attack Israel.

    In Africa, publicly took AIDS test as example of responsibility

    Obama cosponsored Secure Orderly Immigration Act by John

    McCain. Passed 62-36. Makes undocumented persons who

    have been here 5+ years only allowed to stay and apply for

    citizenship, if pay back taxes, learn English and no criminal

    record. 2 million undocumented persons who have been in the

    United States for less than two years would be ordered home.

    Called for increased fuel efficiency standards (3% / year)

    10 years of senate experience (8 state senate 2 federal)

    with much aisle crossing bi-partisan solutions. In state

    senate, sponsored 780 bills, 280 were signed into law.

    100% approval rating: League of Conservation Voters,

    Planned Parenthood. National Education Association

    gives him an “A” on their most recent scorecard.

    His first year as U.S. Senator, Obama held 39 town hall

    meetings throughout Illinois, and in senate, sponsored

    152 bills and resolutions, and cosponsored 427 more.

  3. Well, he wasn't there for the majority of the time because he was out campaigning for prez.  

  4. McCain has missed something like 75% of votes this year, more than another Senator with a brain tumor who was hospitalized!

    It's standard for people on the campaign trail to miss votes where it's not close to 50-50.

    McCain's last vote was in April, Obama's in July.

  5.   born in the USA

  6. Anyone can say the words "hope" and "change"

    Without action, it doesnt mean anything.  Obama is just a con man

  7. He HOPES he can CHANGE his address to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

  8. Present

  9. one thing I know he voted against was the Born Alive Infant Protection Act that would require doctors to give medical care to babies who accidentally survived abortion. Then he lied about how he voted. Unethical Liar - 2 good reasons not to vote for him.

  10. Personal History

    1. ex crackhead

    2. liar

    3. listened to racist pastor

    4. false hope.

  11. Marvin Gaye - What's Going On

    Stevie Wonder - Songs in the Key of Life

    Just a couple guesses.   They are two of my favorites from what I'm guessing is his era.

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