
What is Obama's stance on evolution/creation?

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Has he ever said?

I know John Edwards is pro-evolution (if there is such a thing, any more than there people who are are pro-gravity).




  1. What difference does it make?  He's not running for Sunday school teacher.

  2. It isn't important as he has never indicated he would base his decisions on theology.  As long as he is content with well-thought solutions and seeks good advice, I don't care what his personal opinions  are.

  3. I loved your answer whimsy!!  People just need to look in the past to see what happens when too much theology is used in government.  Puritans anybody?  Salem witch trials anybody?  It blinds people's sense and is very often used as a tool to make people conform to a certain ideal.  And when that doesn't happen, they're justified, at least to themselves, to get rid of the "outsiders" because clearly, god wouldn't want them to keep their sinful ways up.  Religion and government do not mix.  Like water and electricity!

  4. I'm sure the guy he's running against has made him question the theory of evolution.

  5. I have never heard him confirm it, but since he is well-educated and not a fundamentalist, I would have to imagine he accepts the theory of evolution as correct.

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