
What is PVC?

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What is PVC?




  1. It stands for "Plastic Vent Cover".

  2. PVC is Poly Vinyl Chloride. Some primary uses are piping and fittings for plumbing water and drain lines. My personal favorite is the oh so tight fitting clothing made of PVC, which resembles leather or rubber clothing.

  3. Polyvinyl Chloride is actually used in many applications, including house siding, records (the source of referring to records as "vinyl"),  and plumbing.

    Thre is also a softer, more flexible version that is more like fabric.  This form is used for clothing or outdoor applications.  Many grill covers actually use pvc fabric as a lining.

  4. Poly vinyl Chloride.  A type of pipe.

  5. PolyVinylChloride -- and while it is used to make a lot of drain pipe, thats not the only thing you'll find it made of.  For example, I know its also used in some roofing applications, and vinyl siding.

    Here is a good article -

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