
What is Palin's stance on the current mortgagee crisis?

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uhhhh....why did McCain pick her?

No stance on Immigration

No stance on Iraq War

No stance on current Georgia/Russia conflict

No stance on current mortgage crisis

And that is not a complete list...that is a very small part of the list. She has a stance on exactly two things so far...the right to own guns and abortion. And that is all the repubs talk about too...because they have nothing else to talk about.




  1. And what is Obama's stance on anything?  

  2. You people and this mortgage crisis kill me. First, Congress put pressure on to make homes more affordable. Companies made the offer but like alot of folks that purchase things, they don't read the contract or "take the risk". I don't feel sorry for these people because they took the risk of trying to buy a home outside of their income and don't say that they didn't.....if they foreclose on them...then go rent! Now, as far as Palin...I do know her stance on "born alive abortions" Unlike Obama who voted in Illinois senate to allow a baby that survived a labor-induced abortion,to be placed in a "Comfort Room" like the one at Christ Hospital in Ill....and die!   If doesnt care about a baby's survival, then he doesn't care about you or me.....he's as good as being Hitler.....killing people to benefit others....the babies won't be a burden on moms or sick. And YOU want this man for President?

  3. she hunts , she fishes , wow .

  4. You're on a PC, why don't you just do your own research, it's all public record.

    MCCAIN / PALIN '08

  5. She is inexperienced enough to avoid criticism on many issues.

  6. Palin is also a budget butcher, the kind of person needed to balance the budget and end the national debt.  Obama and Biden are the kind of guy that don't care about the budget, especially the $54 trillion Social Security , Medicare and Medical disaster that's coming up.

    She is also proof that one can raise 5 kids with a middle class income, even with a kid with Down Syndrome.  One of her  kids is even in the army heading out to Iraq on Sept. 11.  Liberals such as Obama and Biden believe that the Palin family is impossible and that people need welfare to survive.  She is proof that the American dream is alive while Obama and his wife saying it's failing.

    So I say that Obama and Biden have no realistic domestic plan, has no plans to balance the budget and is completely out of touch with the middle class America where the Palin family comes from.

  7. She's pro-building Log cabins

  8. Whatever Mc Cain says is OK with her

  9. I have yet to hear Obama's plan on the problems in the economy except CHANGE , CHANGE .  

  10. If she has common sense, I assume she would blame the people who borrowed more money than they could pay back.  

    That's what the "crisis" is, and nothing more.    

  11. Senator Obama, how do you vote on.... ?  PRESENT!  Please note, this is not meant to make Obama look bad

    I understand. Truth hurts. Opps. Another baby survived abortion. Better go murder it. And no corrupt politics in Illinois. Great job cleaning up and reforming that mess.

  12. Build more igloos.

  13. they want the HILARRY VOTES...

    is so stupid it should be a JOKE!

  14. You offer a good point. I don't recall her being on the campaign trail for the last 18 months under constant scrutiny. Maybe she should stand and look good .. you know like all good beauty pagent queens do,,

  15. Lol, you're silly.

  16. she will do just fine for the religious right, and that is a lot of votes.

  17. they don't give a d**n.

    this is to get more women voters, religious fundamentalists, anti obama vote, and gun owners...

    in a week or 2 she will have learned the talking points on all the issues that she can repeat...

  18. Palin has actually done something in regards to the energy crisis, which is a TOP issue for me.  Issues that I feel the federal government should NOT be dealing with, I don't put much weight in.  

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