
What is Patriotism to You?

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Obama says faith in each other, McCain says Country first....what do you say?




  1. The original American patriots were those individuals brave enough to resist with force the oppressive power of King George. I accept the definition of patriotism as that effort to resist oppressive state power. The true patriot is motivated by a sense of responsibility and out of self-interest for himself, his family, and the future of his country to resist government abuse of power. He rejects the notion that patriotism means obedience to the state

  2. Good question, I don't have the inclination to write such a large response here though. I'll say - pride in your country but not blind allegiance.

  3. i say all politicians are professional liars.

    i don't see how any self-respecting patriot could like the election process as it is. what difference does it make what we think is patriotism when the people we let steer our country have zero integrity.

  4. I like Obama, but I don't exactly understand the idea of "faith in each other" as patriotism.

    McCain says "country first" and if I can expand on that I can agree with that.  If you believe in support or don't support government, because you feel they are looking or not looking out for your interest, and you work to support or protest them - then you are putting your country first - so then you are a Patriot.

    If you are Democrat, Republican, Socialist, Libertarian, Communist, etc...  and the core of your beliefs is for this country to be better - then you are a patriot....I guess my question is "what do you define as "your country"  A form of government, a class of people, a religious group.  I think, I THINK, any ideal that is exclusive can't be patriotic, but if your ideal is inclusive, but rejected, I guess it could still be patriotic -IF you believe it is best for the country.  I guess what I try to promote is an understanding of your world; and an education that can develop a characteristic that allows you to analyze the world we live in.  Anywho, just some thoughts.  I probably have more questions than anything about stuff like this. :)

  5. Patriotism is Faith in eachother/to your country... But, again, I'm not that proud to be an American... yay! I'm part of a country that bombs for peace, and everyone hates! Soo... patriotism to me is when you can have faith in your government and country to do the right thing and be proud of it. Viva Canada!

  6. Faith/love in your country? I'm not a fan of patriotism though. Like woopie, I'm American. My main reason of disliking it is people would say you have to apparantly support the war or you're unAmerican. Basically people will use it in politics to get voted :P

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