
What is Pentecostal/ What do they believe?

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I'm in college and my roommate is Pentecostal and I'm basically Athiest. We haven't really gotten along. I've made attempts to talk to her, but it was mostly a one sided convo on my part. I'm just wondering if maybe my lack of religion might have something to do with why she doesn't talk to me much.

Plus I'm just curious as to what their main beliefs are.

I would really like to be able to talk to her and not have weird awkwardness...

Any help is appreciated




  1. If you're interested, this is a popular forum for Pentecostal Christians, you may find more answers here...

  2. Did you see Borat - the movie?  The church he went to was Pentecostal.  (and a hilarious scene).  They are really at the extreme (i.e. crazy) end of Christianity, more akin to a cult.

  3. Find out for yourself.  Go to

  4. Alright, as an Apostolic(which is pentecostal, but with more standards), I can tell you that we believe in a lot more than just speaking in tongues, for whoever gave that answer. We believe that the plan of salvation can be read in Acts 2:38, and that's what we live by. We believe that there is only 1 God, and that God is Jesus. We also believe in repenting of our sins, and being baptized in the name of Jesus(only). We believe in receiving the Holy Ghost, and speaking in tongues. We live by the truth(God's word, which is the Bible). Most pentecostal believe in wearing long sleeves, and long skirts. The men should be clean shaved, and shouldn't have long hair. While the women should have uncut hair, which means we shouldn't even get a trim. Yeah, most every woman you see that is pentecostal has really long hair, but it doesn't say that we should have long hair, but it just simply says that women shouldn't cut their hair. For there are some women whose hair may not grow that long, but they are still pentecostal. We believe that we should come out from among the world, and be ye separate, which means we don't try to be like everyone else. Most of us don't believe in watching television, wearing jewelry, smoking, drinking, well, doing anything that may seem ungodly. It's not that we believe we'll go to h**l if we do some of those things, but we just try not to do things like that, because we know that it'll take away our time from God. Basically, our whole life revolves around God. We do everything for God. The reason that your roommate may not be talking with you, and please don't take this the wrong way. I'm not trying to offend you in any way. But the reason is, because of your beliefs. A lot of people say that we're stuck up, and think we're the only ones going to Heaven. But it's just because we try to stay away from people who might tempt us to believe in other ways. I have friends that believe different from myself, but I'm not easily tempted when it comes to my faith, and theirs. If you really want to talk with her, and ease the ackwardness between you, then explain to her that you now understand her ways, and that you won't try to force her to do anything she can't do. Befriend her, be nice, just let her know that although you believe different than she does, that you won't mock her faith. If anything, tell her that you're not there to talk about your differences, but you there to talk about other things. Hoped that help, and God bless you!!!!

  5. The classic definition of a Pentecostal is one who believes in having Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Someone who has been born again having left their old life behind and now live with the real power of God's spirit to live clean. The word Pentecost is a bible word speaking of the Day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2, when the followers of Jesus were all in a room when the Spirit of God filled them with power because of the promise given in Acts 1:8. Pentecostal christians believe in this power for themselves today. Its unknown why she may not be talking to you. If she is truly a christian there is much to share about having new life in Jeus.  

  6. They believe in speaking in tongues.

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