
What is Peru like for for American/Western visitors, and expats?

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What is Peru like for for American/Western visitors, and expats?




  1. Peru is an amazing country.  I'm from the states and spent 1 month there, not a real long time, but longer than most I'd imagine.  Regardless, the only minor inconveniences I had were little kids asking if they could shine my shoes.  At about 50cents I took advantage at times.  Pickpocketing can happen if you're not careful.  And even the luxury buses aren't exactly luxurious.  Not bad, just not luxury.

    Other that, WONDERFUL people.  Rich history.  Beautiful sites of all kinds, from deserts to rain forest, snow capped mountains to deep canyons, indegenious tribes and cultures to modern Lima nightlife, you can find just about anything.

    I'd go back in a heartbeat.

  2. There is a huge community of British and Americans ex pats living in Lima. Peru in general (Lima I would say) is quite a cosmo city in the sense that we live in dollars (everyplace in Lima accepts dollars, there are days when I have no peruvian money in my pocket and only dollars and I live with dollars!), there are places like Mc Donalds, Starbucks, KFC, Pizza Hut, etc but also trendy peruvian restaurants. Wifi services throughout the city, all modern technological things available, modern malls, cinemas, etc. Lima's society is very upscale and s****. though.

    Apart from Lima, Peru's highlands is just beautiful and Peru is one of the fewest countries in the world where you can find 4 natural regions and all accesible: sea, coast, highlands and jungle.

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