
What is Piyaya? What is in it? What does it taste like?

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  1. I think you mean paella.  It's rice cooked with seafood, tomato sauce, etc.

  2. A Piyaya is a pastry that traces it's roots to the Southern part of the Philippines, specifically in Bacolod, Ilo-ilo and Cebu. The filling is goo-ingly sweet and savory at the same time, and the pastry is flaky and a delight to bite into.

  3. u mean papaya?

    it's a fruit. it's got seeds inthe middles like little black slimy beads.

    it tastes.. welll fresh as i remember when i used to eat it.

    not a lot of help but oh well.

    and it's notthe thing ur looking for then my bad.  

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