
What is Product Nature?

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what exactly is product nature? i need the definition of it. and if possible, could someome just tell me what is the product nature of SUNSILK SHAMPOO? thank u!




  1. The absolute and the explicated meaning to understand the defination of the word "Product Nature", hereunder please read with pertinence to your illustration whilst asking a Q'.

    The Chemical Reactive Values and its designated Worths in terms of inherent Virtues, for what purpose a Product has been made and created.... these worths, values and virtues in an encapsuled/encompassed quote is been addressed as Product Nature.

    In simple words... its the Inherent or Ontological Values, Worths and Virtues in term of  the concerned Quality, in context to the Product of Sunsilk Shampoo, is what we call it by way of addressing "Product Nature" of the .....

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