
What is Quiverfull???

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What is Quiverfull???




  1. From the Psalms:

    As arrows are to a hunter, so are sons to a man. Happy is he who has a quiverful.

  2. Preacher's pocketbooks!

  3. Like "keep your powder dry," the new saying of the McCain campaign.

    All the best!

  4. Do you mean this

    or do you require the meaning of the word ?

  5. A quiver is the bag where arrows are kept, slung over one shoulder.

    A quiverfull means "a lot [of arrows]"

  6. A religious organization promoting the idea that the Christian god controls all aspects of life, including fertility and reproduction.  Therefore, they oppose all forms of birth control and typically have a lot of kids.  They base their name on Psalm 127:3-5: "Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him.  4 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth.  5 Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate."

  7. It's a crazyass religious movement aimed at having as many kids as possible in order to turn them into an army for the Christian god.

  8. When your quiver is full?

  9. A lot, I assume. I know at least one member of the Quiverfull church has about 19 children. I don't know if a quiver actually holds that many arrows or crossbow bolts, myself.

  10. IDK if it's what you're asking but a quiver is what archers use to hold their arrows so a quiverfull means a lot or plenty. My quiver is full.

  11. Your arrowholder (quiver) is full of arrows.

  12. It's an awful and loose organisation of people who promote the selfish and irresponsible message that you should have as many children as you can.

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