
What is ROP classes for?

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do they count for high school credit as an elective?

does it look good for college?




  1. ROP classes are classes that give you the opportunity to get some vocational training and work skills.  Some are just hands-on training  classes, others are classes and unpaid training in the vocation your learning.  The 3rd option is that the class includes paid training.  To be in the ROP program you have to be at least 16 years of age and in the 11th or 12th grade.  Exceptions can be made usually if there is an extreme financial hardship in the family.  Classes can range from medical assisting, accounting clerk, auto technology, electronics technician, etc.   The classes do count for elective credit and it defintely looks good on college applications. It shows you can handle working and going to school.  If you take ROP classes as the teacher or employers you work for a contact number.  When you are ready for another job then you will have some work experience along with references to put on that job application.

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