
What is Rafa Benitez's ' Plan B ' .........?

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when Plan ' A ' goes t**s up ?




  1. when plan a(play fair and good football)goes **** up its time for plan b(play dirty like utd and bribe the refs) and if the americans fail to have the money for the bribes its plan c(get your captain to intimidate and threaten the ref and kick lumps out of all the players that take the ball off ya!ala j.terry!):P


  2. I think he is on Plan C at the moment..Hyypia is already a starter!! lol

  3. Get More Spaniards On the Team  

  4. lol! Why does he bother anymore!

  5. LOL

    whats the plans for when all of them will fail anyway

  6. maybe he will try the rotation tactic again ....well he is stupid!  

  7. Plan B is to walk out of Anfield when an offer from a bigger club such as Blackburn comes in.

  8. Grow his hair, perm it, grow a proper tash - then act like a typical scouse t**t!

    Well actually all he needs to do is grow the bonce - rest is already sorted!!!!

  9. Munch up more Big Mac's  

  10. That man doesn't have a plan B.

    It's too deep for him to comprehend.

  11. It'll be the usual! The board won't back me, didn't sign Barry, the referee cheated us, Win it next year.

    THERE NOT GOOD ENOUGH! The Eighties are long gone!  

  12. and whats red noses plan B after newcastle humiliated you

  13. Well when plan A effs up and he finds McDonalds closed, he will seek refuge in KFC.

  14. Plan B ? I dont think he even has a Plan A !!

    Just makes it up as he goes along ... bit of rotation here, few players on the bench there, hopes for the best!

  15. eat big macs

    that would be some sort of consolation

  16. quit!

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