
What is Ramazan all about?

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How do Istanbul Turks celebrate Ramazan? And do children practice the fasting, too?




  1. The idea is to "cleanse" or "purify" yourself spiritually, by avoiding earthly pleasures, connecting with family and friends, dropping old animosities, giving up on bad habits, praying more than usual, etc. I guess it's comparable to the Lent tradition in Christianity.

    Children are not required to fast, but many of them want to do it just to take part in an adult ritual, so many parents let them "fast" from lunch to dinner (iftar). That way, they can participate in the communal fast breaking and feel like they have accomplished something.

  2. Children do not fast; neither do pregnant, menstruating or breast-feeding women; those who are ill; the old and those on a journey.

    Many Turks, in Istanbul or elsewhere, fast throughout Ramadan. Some only fast on the first and last days. Others don't fast but choose to give up alcohol and/or cigarettes for the duration of Ramadan. Most people, whether fasting or not, will probably celebrate "Iftar" with their friends or family at least once during Ramadan.

    The holiday following Ramadan is celebrated by everyone with visits to relatives and enjoyment of baklava and other sweets.

    There is an explanation of Ramadan here:

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