
What is Ricky Carmichael's Offical Website?

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He was my 12 year old nephew's favorite racer. My nephew, Foster Turner, died March 21st in a motocross accident. He flew off his bike and was runover by another racer. He died on the track in my brother's arms. I thought it would be nice if somehow I could get an autographed pic for the family or something. I just don't know how to go about attempting to contact him or an agent or someone who could help me.




  1. I don't really think that Ricky has one.  

    If you are really desperate (which it sounds like you are) to find out about him perhaps try one of those celebrity links sites.  Mind you I think half of them are a scam and they expect you to join up but at least one of them I looked at states that they have his contact address and agents name if only you will pay the trial amount of $1.

    My condolences to you on the death of your nephew as this sort of thing is something that us mothers of motocross riders have to worry about all the time.  My son went down just two weeks ago and was run over by two riders when the flaggie didn't put the yellow out.  He was okay with just bruising, but the danger is very real.  It is lovely that you are trying to do a nice thing for his family.

  2. I dont think there is one.  try this

  3. Just ask " cute" .

    She is his number one stalker ............ sorry fan.

  4. i have no idea

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