
What is Ron Paul planning on doing with the embassy in Iraq when he gets elected?? (no neocons)?

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What is Ron Paul planning on doing with the embassy in Iraq when he gets elected?? (no neocons)?




  1. I think once Ron Paul is in power the embassy would be complete, once Iraqis hear the foreign plan I am sure violence against America would go down and the embassy could still be used without protection.

  2. If he got elected, I'd imagine he'd just desert it.  It might make a nice headquarters for Iraq's future regime.  I heard it's very nice.  They'd thank Ron Paul for the present...

  3. He could sell it to Halliburton for the cost of Iraq war, and pay the money back to the American people.

  4. First off I agree with other answers. Ron Paul cannot get elected in 2008. I fby some fluke he could bring all the conservatives under his wing and won than we would still need an embassy in Bagdad we would just have a really nice one. Maybe we could open up part of it for American tourists. That would help us rebuild Iraq's tourism industry (does one even exist!)

    We also have the niceist building in the city. Maybe we could move the space needle from seattle and install it on top of the embassy.

  5. Kucinich couldn't find his way out of a paper bag with a lighter.  (he is small enough to fit in one).

  6. It will be used by Ameriburton for the good of all freedom loving peoples of Iraq.

  7. Only neocons are interested in Ron Paul.

    I expect that President Clinton will decide what to do with the embassy when she develops a plan to try and clean up the mess in Iraq.

  8. I hate the neocons, but Ron Paul has no chance at be elected. And neither does my favorite candidate Dennis Kucinich.

  9. use the embassy as it was meant to be used , as a place for appointed officials of our government and theirs to meet and discuss plans

  10. he will try his best not to get shot or blown up

  11. I know. I just saw a photo of it in the new Vanity Fair magazine ( the one with the Kennedys on it) A very expensive building.!    But I doubt he will be elected since the big party  machines rule

  12. Whether Ron Paul gets elected or not, the fact is that the movement he has already started in unstoppable and the US will not have socialist numskulls in the White House again. As for the embassy in Iraq, it will be used for its rightful purposes and not for what it is being used right now.

  13. How about sell it and get some of our tax money back.

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