
What is Russia's game re: the missile shield? Surely they understand that they can overwhelm it?

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Why are they pretending that it's a threat to them?




  1. Prevention is better than the cure. By overwhelming it will mean conflict which they are more than capable of. By preventing it in the first place prevents conflict.......i mean come on are America so naive as to believe Russia are going to be happy with them putting these installation along its border,its a very aggressive move by the US !!

  2. Is a little bit confusing that you might not understand that the battle ground has been drawn in Georgia and starting the war that may attract support from countries that are allies and enemy to the west like Iran and the other terrorist groups either inform of militant or government entities with ties to Russia. Military weapons that has been built in this 21 century has to be tested and testing their effects too. Weapons, missiles without war will be of no use. But let me remind that US supported the fallen of the Soviet Union but US remained united. What do u think that South Ossetians wants to go from Georgia and Georgia attacked them over night but Russia did not deny independence to Georgia now why US showing more influence and Russians feeling that US is looking into his own cup of tea while oil from Iraq flows to the US Reserves. Keep on rocking but let not forget that Nuclear is dangerous for humanity and I pray God to save us from disasters.  

  3. you bet ye.

  4. A the shield does not work, ask France spent years and lots of money building a defence line against a future German attack. Only the Germans went around it. Why does the US think groups will not just figure a way to get to the target without going near the shield. Of course it is a threat it is a missile system which is under their noses and gives them less notice if their is a missile coming in. Why Kennedy did not like the Cuban based Russian missiles and they were not first strike missiles either.  

  5. They are pretending nothing, it is a very real threat to them, ABM systems are the ultimate first strike weapon, which is why they were outlawed during the Cold War. If the USA successfully deploys such a system it would be extremely useful in shooting down the small number of missiles the Russians would fire back after a successful USA first strike. So there's nothing defencive about it, this is the closest we've come to a nuclear war since the Cuban missile crisis.

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