
What is SEZ?

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What is SEZ?




  1. SEZ means "Special Economic Zones"

    It will increase economic growth but increasing the number of SEZs has very negligible effect on economic growth.

  2. EZ is abbreviation of Special Economic Zone".

    This is created in some areas specifically for Industries of diverse of types.......or each SEZ is for one class of Industry.This zone is not a residential area and usually in the outskirt of Big Cities or just a ZONE which may not be veryclose to any city.This reduces pressure on a city and this is well connected with rails and roads so that movement of goods is easy and economic.The Banking has to be at close range and in some State special advantages are being extended to the newly formed Industries those zones......such as, subsidised power supply, easy availablity of water and some tax benefits.Even the Central Govt. encourages the growth of similar Zones for quick industrialisation and generation of employment oportunities to eradicate poverty and unemployment.

  3. this is the Dining Out section

    since SEZ has nothing to do with restaurants, you have posted your question in the wrong section

    please learn to use yahoo answers properly

    thank you

  4. Special Economic Zone.

  5. Special Economic Zone, where the enterpreneurs are given benefits in Taxes....and these SEZs are developed by the Govt or Govt and Private Parties both ....where all the infrastructre like road,power and Drainage etc., are developed by the Agency and .... industries are allowed to come up

  6. Its software export zone.Government gives some facilities/benefits for business development to bring home more revenue.

  7. SEZ means Special Economic Zone.  The government has identified certain areas as SEZ and if anyone or any company wants to begin a company/industry in this zone they will be many exceptions/concession from the government.

  8. SEZ is "Special Economical Zone"

    A Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is a geographical region that has economic laws that are more liberal than a country's typical economic laws. The category 'SEZ' covers a broad range of more specific zone types, including Free Trade Zones (FTZ), Export Processing Zones (EPZ), Free Zones (FZ), Industrial Estates (IE), Free Ports, Urban Enterprise Zones and others. Usually the goal of an SEZ structure is to increase foreign investment.

    If you have a office in SEZ you get all the benefits in income TAX and other TAX benefits from Government.

  9. SEZ means ''Special Economic Zone'' .  its  made for better economic growth .  they divided india in zone. and try to make devlope them . and central government is watch on it.

    they not only devlope the zone with infrastucture  they also try to devlope in socialy .

    thise is sez

  10. tax free holiday for industries opening in SEZ
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