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is this real? My friends say its when your body randomly explodes.. I dont believe in it =_=.




  1. It's when someone blows up I think. Your friends might be right.

  2. It is quite impossible for someone to spontaneously combust unless an accelerant is involved

  3. No, people don't spontaneously combust.  Your body is not all that flammable, especially on the inside; we're pretty soggy overall.  In all cases of 'spontaneous combustion', something was used as an accelerant.  Many were simply people who fell asleep while smoking, often while drinking or taking sleeping pills.  The cigarette ignited the clothing, and the fat in the skin kept the fire going like a wick on candle.  Others actually fell into a fire or fireplace.  Joe Nickel had a good article in his book 'Real Life X-Files' on it, and I know CSI did an episode, probably Mythbusters as well.

  4. Spontaneous Human Combustion as a phenomenon itself does not exist. It is most likely used as an explanation for deaths involving burning which occur under very unusual circumstances. Although it may seem impossible for a body to burn in a chair and leave most of the surrounding area untouched, the deaths can be explained without the need for fantastical theories.

  5. It is real. there have been about 10 documented cases of it in history, so it's rare. SHC is when a part of your body suddenly bursts into flame. My theory as to why this happens is this: all of your cells are moving, right? Well, what if a whole bunch of cells coincidentally synchronized their motions and moved all together as one? This would generate a lot of heat. If enough cells are synced, the the heat could potentially be enough to have an arm or something burst into flame.

  6. A "crock".

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