
What is Scurvy?

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What is Scurvy?




  1. its results from low levels of Vitamin C intake. your skin starts showing purple spots, your gum and nose bleed, your gums soften and teeth may fall out.

    it was common with pirates and such because fruits with vitamin c could not last very long on the ships for months

  2. Hey! Almost all the questions you posted is in my knowledge! Though I don’t know the exact.

    Here it is:

    Scurvy is a deficiency disease due to the lack of Vit. C

    I hope I helped you out! If you need more of my help, just email me! Have a nice day!

    --Official Arnela Mae

  3. Scurvy, disease of human beings caused by a prolonged deficiency of vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, in the diet.

    It is characterized by progressive bodily weakness, spongy and inflamed gums, loose teeth, swollen and tender joints, and a tendency toward ecchymosis, or absorption by the tissues of blood from ruptured blood vessels.

    Anemia often occurs as a direct result of such hemorrhage. Lack of vitamin C in the diet prevents the formation of connective tissues that hold the body's structures together, such as tendons, ligaments, bone, dentin, and cartilage. The disease may appear in adults after about six months of complete lack of vitamin C.

  4. lack of Vitamin C

  5. a vitamin "C" defiency, in history Columbus and his crew were aggravated by the outbreaks of scurvy.

  6. it's a vitamin c deficiency.

  7. A vitamin deficiency disease, caused by a shortage of vitamin C.  This was a particular problem for sailors at sea, without access to foods containing the stuff; eventually, the British navy discovered that limes were a preventative factor, and started carrying the fruit on ships.  British sailors have been called "limeys" ever since.  Drink your orange juice!
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