
What is Seville, Spain like as far as houses, schools, family life, and weddings?

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What is Seville, Spain like as far as houses, schools, family life, and weddings?




  1. Seville definitely has houses, schools, family life, and weddings.  Sometimes.

  2. Weddings there are huge, very romantic affairs.  I remember the wedding gowns being really pretty and different from what you would see in the US.  Different fashion.

    Houses...not.  Not really.  Everyone lives in apartments.  They are really small by US standards...REALLY small, and the whole family lives in the same apartment, for generations...because it is so hard to get into a new one, especially for young newlyweds, so it was not (and I´m pretty sure still is not) unusual to see as many as four generations living in the same small apartment.  (may not be totally true anymore).  There is an INCREDIBLE amount of urban sprawl in Spain these days, in all the cities.  

    Schools:  hmmm the only thing I can tell you is that kids wear uniforms whether they are public or private schools.   And parents generally pick their children up at busses, and no walking home, these days, not for elementary kids, anyway.

    You really have to pay for a private school for a decent education.  Their public schools aren´t terribly good from what I gathered.

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