
What is Singapore's business cultures?

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What is Singapore's business cultures?




  1. Don't expect people to be on time. So allow youself some. It is customary for visitors to be treated with hospitality. Don't ask to pay for your share, invite them to your hotel and sign the hotel chits if you want to be the host. If you have not tasted chilli before. Don't! Your seafood may squirm or its doeful eyes staring back at you. Give yourself 10 points if you are still game. They love you for that. Dinner time is around 7.30 - 8 pm.  You may be invited for some karaoke sessions when both are close to sealing the deal. Heavy drinking is not expected from you. But some hosts will test how far you would go. If you are a woman, bid farewell for the night on the first opportunity. Guys have all the luck.

    Chinese are businesslike don't backtrack after agreeing. They hate people who do IndXXn accounts. Written contracts are fine. Get a lawyer to vet them. No need to get big name lawyers. Do not make, accept, 'be in the know' about corrupts offers, People's careers have been sunk. Gifts of chocolates from your homeplace is delightfully accepted however. Flowers would be over the top.

    It not customary to wear suits. Smart casual is acceptable unless you are a making a sales pitch.

  2. definetely PCK!

  3. The best men wins..

    but surely u r cute!! :)

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