
What is Sirius stock going to do?

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I have a handful of Sirius stock, and I'm thinking the deal is going to be approved before the market opens tomorrow. I also have a few XM stocks. What should I expect the market to do, and when should I sell? Should I wait for a spike tomorrow, or should I just hold out and see if the stock rises in the long run?




  1. Sirius will probably go up to $4 when deal is completely finalize and then probably drop so make sure you see at a early peak

    As for the long run it might work but that is a gamble I am not willing to take. For long run buy the debt of both companies instead

  2. This is as about as exciting as Circuit City and Blockbuster getting together.

    Both companies are laden with debt, declining subscribers and both near bankruptcy.

    They will prob merge, but I don't think they will make it long term.  I think pay sat radio will go the way of Beta Max.

    Sold out of XM last December 07. No hope for Sirius in my view.

    "It's a dog with fleas."

    -- Wall Street (1987)

    If you have a gain, or close to it, sell on any strength, or prepare for a tax loss.

    Just look at their financials. Losses Losses Losses. So a combined merger? Combined losses, elimination of competition, but there has not been a mass movement toward thi industry as once thought.

    Look at the auto manufactures. They are pre-installing fewer sat radios, less CD players, and have moved to more ipod hook ups, and flash memory devices. I think AAPL will far more benifit than even a combined XM-Sirius merger.

  3. i'd sell BOTH of them when they spike (if they do)

    I got rid of my SIRI and XM over a year ago and i took my loss.

    I just don't see growth in satelite radio or anything special really.

    i'd rather put my money in Apple since iphone growth is in explosive mode and people will get their music from ipod or iphone.

    if anything related to music business, stick with Apple.

  4. There is a lot up upside especially long term if they get the merger done.  If they don't Sell XM because they will most likely be the one to go BK.  I would hold this long term if they merge. Good Luck.  I sold like a year ago and I still can not believe the FCC has not made their decision.  I am not happy with how our government handles things.

  5. Yeah, i agree with the other guy. Pay radio will go away, just like pay TV did.

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