
What is Social Darwism?

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What is Social Darwism?




  1. This is no doubt an over-generalization, but it basically uses "survival of the fittest" to justify the mistreatment of others, like n***s and racism, poverty and imperialism...etc.

    The idea is based off of many works, but it includes the idea that those that survive and breed were the strongest and those that didn't would have infected all of mankind (animal kind...) with weakness (by means of reproduction) anyway.

    Once again, an over-generalization but that's the gist of it. Um, no I don't agree with it and this was a really good question! Hope I helped some!!!

  2. It's where people get together and have a few drinks, and some finger food, in pleasant surroundings, and discuss On the Origin of Species. Think of it as a book club, with wine and cheese.

    * Utterly inaccurate "alternative" view of Social Darwinism, but not nearly as dry as any other explanation you might get.


  3. Social Darwinism is a hypothesis that competition among all individuals, groups, nations or ideas drives social evolution in human societies. The term is an extension of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, where competition between individual organisms drives biological evolutionary change (speciation) through the survival of the fittest.

  4. Social Darwinism, as ide from its racial overtones, was basically dramt up to justify rich people being rich.  It is the notion that if you are hilariously rich, it is because you are biologically better suited to the social environment and thus deserve to survive more comfortably than lesser mortals.  You are going about this the wrong way, though,  You need to consider that, as Darwin existed in a highly competitive capitalist society, whether his entire interpretation of his data was coloured by this and led to his whole thesis.  Nmot that I am a biblical fundamentalist or anything.  I am a materialist, who believes that all one's ideas come from the wallet or the stomach.

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