
What is South Africa??

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seriously ppl be honest, without researching on the interne tor asking anyone else, in ur opinion wat is South Africa, is it a region, sub-region, country, continent, island or a part of Africa, pliz be honest ppl, wat is SA to u?




  1. Dang, you had to go and ask me to be honest.  I was going to say it was located in northern Canada.  <mumble mumble>

    Ok, it is officially a country, located on the southern tip of the continent known as Africa.  It was carved out of a region of Africa by white Europeans when they settled it.  There were some African tribes there before and many of the same tribes are still there to this day, but now they govern South Africa.

    South Africa is nothing to me, it is only another country, that's all.  

  2. South Africa is a country located at the southern part of the continent of Africa. I think Cape Town is the capital of south africa.One of their well known people is Nelson Mandela..who was the first black president of south africa..he went to prison for I think 27 years. He was an activist against Aparteid which was a big thing going on in South Africa.  

  3. Country...what else would it be?

  4. The Republic of South Africa is a country.

    If you want to talk about a region you need to say southern Africa which would be the southern part of Africa and would include other countries in addition to South Africa.

  5. Africa is a continent. The southern part of Africa is called south Africa.

  6. south africa is a country located on the continent of Africa

  7. Country!!!but as far as I know itz called Republic Of South Africa!!

  8. Its a country in Southern Africa. It is one of the most developed countries in that region. It was called the rainbow nation by nelson mandela because it is a melting pot of ethnicities. would love to go there. oh yeah they had the first heart surgery there too.

  9. It was a well run country that the British babysat that the Africans took it back they turned it into a corrupt filthycesspool of filth. Kind of like Detroit.
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