
What is Speaker distance in home theater?

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Hi i have Yamaha RXV 361 AMp with speakers. i need to know what is speaker distance setting. does changing the default setting gives and different sound effect and at what distance should i keep the setting for all the speakers ( mounted on wall at 5 feet from ground ) and LFE ( kept at the floor). room size is 16 feet x 12 feet.




  1. Speaker distance is the same no matter what you are talking about.

    Speaker distance is the amount of distance of each speaker from the main listening position. So what you have to do is get some sort of measuring device, yardstick, tape measure,etc. and measure the distance from each speaker from the main or center listening position , and feed that information to your receiver. What this tells your receiver is , what it needs to do to give you the proper spaciousness or depth between front and rear speakers so that the proper sound is delivered to your ears at the proper time Room size has nothing to do with speaker distance. Good luck and good listening..

  2. FRONTS -- Fifteen Feet (or 12 if you have it)

    REARS -- 5 Feet ( or 8 if you have it)

    LFE should be 10.

    That should be the best settings for your room....

    However, you can MEASURE the distance with a tape measure between YOUR viewing area  and the speakers, and verify those settings.....

  3. Sound will travel about 1.1 ft per milisecond at sea level.

    So the receiver will delay the sound to some speakers based on the numbers you enter.

    This is ... kind of a useless.  What is more important is to get an SPL meter and add/subtract volume to the center and each rear so all 5 speakers produce the same volume at your chair.

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