
What is Spring Viraemia of Carp virus???

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what does it do? what are the signs? is there a cure? how do i tell if my fish are infected? help! thanks!




  1. SVC is very contagious among common carp.

    and its viral.

    The first signs of SVC disease in fish may be a change in behavior. The diseased fish may breathe and move more slowly, form groups in slow–flowing water near the pond bank, and lie on their side at the pond bottom. On the outside of a fish with SVC, the skin and gills may appear dark red, the eyes may bulge outward, the belly may be swollen, and bloody mucus may hang from the vent. On the inside of a fish with SVC, a lot of fluid may be in the belly cavity and internal organs, blood in the swim bladder, and reddening and swelling of the gut. However, not all fish showing these signs necessarily have SVC, as these same signs may also be seen in many other diseases. Those fish that don't die from SVC may recover and appear healthy, but these fish actually may remain infected with the SVC virus and continue to shed and spread the virus to other fish. Because the SVC virus may remain hidden in infected fish, the disease is difficult to eliminate from a site. Diagnosis of the SVC virus in fish can be confirmed through virus isolation and other sophisticated diagnostic tests done by an approved laboratory.

  2. KILLS THEM, everything! no! are teh blue? if not ur lucky. if its green....kill it

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