
What is Starbucks "Legendary" Service?

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What is Starbucks "Legendary" Service?




  1. Overcharging for "burnt-tasting" coffee; having the New York Times there to cloud the mind of the reader with liberal BS; sporting many "Laptop People" who think using their computer in public is fashionable.  Oh..., don't forget the obnoxious, often liberal quotes they have on their cups.  Gee, with prices like they charge, we should be drinking from Lalique crystal cups.

  2. Charging people 5 bucks for a urine size cup of coffee but calling the cup Tall?

  3. It means that you get a consistent product each time you order it without having to wait more than 90 seconds in line.

  4. it means you have the right to slam down your latte and scream at the barista while they remake your drink because they screwed it up

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