
What is Success? And How Do We Achieve It?

by Guest59803  |  earlier

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I would like to hear peoples opinions on this topic, as many people have different opinions on what success is.




  1. Success is (not prioritized)

    1. Being in passionate, romantic, in love with your spouse/partner and that person loving you the same.

    2. Having a good sized group of loving friends and family

    3. Having a healthy relationship with your God

    4. having a career that you love and that provides a lifestyle that makes you happy

    5. Being confident/certain that you know yourself well enough to know what makes you happy

    6. being in good health from not abusing your body

  2. success is setting ur mind to something and working hard to get it. if in the end u get what u were trying for then u succeed

  3. I believe success is being satisfied with your life; most people would relate success with being wealthy ect..

    But i think success can be achieved in other ways such as accomplishing a task or maybe even learning something new.

    Success should be a feeling you get on the inside not by objects & money

  4. its judged on how many people show at your funeral..

  5. Success is just a frame of mind. It can only be measured by the instrument or person measuring it and the observers willingness to accept it as a truth. Your success is ultimately judged by your friends and your want for their acceptance.

  6. Success is jumping out of bed in the morning ready to take on the day.

    Carpe diem. Seize the day.

    How do you measure it?


    Everyone puts happiness off to the future, which is here before you know it. But they are still waiting for future happiness.

    Be happy - now. Enjoy the moment.

    All the best.

  7. you could determine SUCCESS in different ways...

    every person has its own meaning about it...

    it only depends on the experience of each and every individual...

    for me...

    success is a matter of to questions...

    what you "want" in life...


    what you'll "need" to achieve that thing...

    and so you'll figure it out that if you'll comply the "needs" of it...

    then for sure you'll be able to discover that you've success-ed...

    that's simple as that...  

  8. Success is such a powerful word. If you want to be successful, you need to have a goal and that goal (when you aim for it, work for it) eill lead you to success!!

    A goal or objective consists of a projected state of affairs which a person or a system plans or intends to achieve or bring about — a personal or organizational desired end-point in some sort of assumed development. Many people endeavor to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlines.

    A desire or an intention becomes a goal if and only if one activates an action for achieving it (see goal-oriented).

    It is roughly similar to purpose or aim, the anticipated result which guides action, or an end, which is an object, either a physical object or an abstract object, that has intrinsic value.


    Individuals can have personal goals. A student may set a goal of a high mark in an exam. An athlete might walk five miles a day. A traveler might try to reach a destination-city within three hours.

    Managing goals can give returns in all areas of personal life. Knowing precisely what one wants to achieve makes clear what to concentrate and improve on.

    Goal setting and planning ("goalwork") promotes long-term vision and short-term motivation. It focuses acquisition of knowledge and helps to organize resources.

    Efficient goalwork includes recognizing and resolving any guilt, inner conflict or limiting belief that might cause one to sabotage one's efforts. By setting clearly-defined goals, one can subsequently measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals. One can see progress in what might have seemed a long grind.


    Achieving complex and difficult goals requires focus, long-term diligence and effort. Success in any field will require foregoing blaming, excuses and justifications for poor performance or lack of adequate planning; in short, success requires emotional maturity. The measure of belief that people in their ability to achieve a personal goal also affects that achievement.

    Long term achievements rely on short-term achievements. Emotional control over the small moments of the single day makes a big difference in the long term.

    By accepting a degree of realism within one's own goals, one allows oneself not to change reality to match one's own dreams by one's own efforts alone, but to accept how it is until a certain degree This degree of "laziness" can prevent one from falling into unhappiness by losing too much control of life by trying to specialize in a very small area and to become a top leader in that field. No matter what level of a layerered society one may identify with, it is very likely that one will keep the above and below scheme.

    On the other side, to put up personal goals does not necessarily mean merely to put up goals for one's own best. One does not need to put personal and non-personal in a binary opposition as in egoistic/altruistic, body/mind, cultural/natural etc. One may say that there are elements in the making and realising personal goals that necessarily are transpersonal. In the interzone of the personal and transpersonal, the personal but also culturally dependent judgements of tastes and values will be challenged, and probably changed. In such personal processes, that might be termed "crisis", which often occurs in the processes of achieving personal goals, the hierarchised up-and-down, better-or-worse scheme can be altered.


    One formula for achievement reads A=IM where A = achievement, I = intelligence, and M = motivation. When motivation equals zero, achievement will always equal zero, no matter the degree of intelligence. Similarly for intelligence: if intelligence equals zero, achievement will always equal zero. The higher the combination of both intelligence and the motivation, the higher the achievement.

  9. Success is 3% talent, 97% hard work. Success is very hard to achieve if you don't focus and put work into it. You have to really concentrate to get it right. Listen to this:

    "To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics, and endure the betrayal of false friends to appreciate beauty ,to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.This is to have succeeded."


  10. Many people think of financial success. Making lots of money. But let me tell you, lots of guys who do illegal things have lots of money to show for their efforts. It is not really success though, is it?

    Same with legitimate jobs. If you work on the public tax payroll, you get good benefits and pensions and all....but it is all on the public tax payroll, and the taxpayers resent you. You see it in every small town....people despise their teachers and administrators for the money they make. I see it all the time.

    So don't measure success by money all the time. Success, perhaps, is when you know you have done a good job and you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. You may not be the guy with the BMW, or the big retirement home in Florida, but you feel good about what you have done.


  11. "To laugh often and much

    To win the respect of intelligent people

    And affection of children

    To earn the appreciation of honest critics

    And endure the betrayal of false friends

    To appreciate beauty

    To find the best in others

    To leave the world a bit better

    Whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition

    To know even one life has breathed easier because

    you have lived.

    This is to have succeeded."


  12. Success is measured in the amount of love people have for you and the amount of love that you have shown toward others.

    Everything else is insignificant.

  13. I am 48 yrs old and had this question been asked of me in the past I believe I would have had a different answer at every age I've lived to enjoy.

    At this point in my life to me success means being able to feel comfortable with who I am. That doesn't mean being comfortable with how I present myself to others, but how "I" feel about myself in the deepest core of my soul. Am I proud of the values I have today, am I searching for who I want to work towards being; as I am always a work in progress. I hope to never stop growing and changing until my number is up!!  Do I seek to learn more and keep my mind active, do I have a balance in my life between work and leisure? Balance is so important and yet so hard to achieve !!

    At the end of the day it doesn't matter what other people think of me - how do I feel about myself??  If I can keep seeking to achieve these goals then I see this as the ultimate success. How do I measure this success? In baby steps. Each day I must try to take one more baby step towards my personal goals. All the baby steps will end up getting me from where I am today to where I want to be.

  14. Success is a raindrop in the ocean, it is an entire process not one single goal. It is all the steps along The Way.

    You should measure success through emotion.

  15. Since we define it ourselves, simply keep redefining it until you meet your own definition. This is true success.

  16. Success is having an impressive obituary. Or, at least it seems that way.

  17. The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake it you have got it made.

  18. I believe success is relative to:

    1. The particular culture/society a person is born in

    2. The values of that society

    3. The particular individual in question

    4. The values of that individual

  19. To me success is having a career that I am proud of and that makes a good sum of money. It means having a happy marriage, being a good mother, wife and friend. It means accomplishing any worthwhile goal I set out to do. It means being happy and grateful for what you have.  

  20. study

  21. success is an overall view of your life at the present day. or eventually wanting to achieve it. its not necessarily how many cars you have or houses you have. i think in order to say you are successful is basically to live the american dream. basics with, having your own car, own house, not in debt, perhaps a few others.i know many of us believe we are successful with our present states, though some of us may be, the majority who think we are, are just settled. this may sound bad but success is measured by others who are more successful. its almost like a climb ladder. everything has to be measured by comparison. one thing i cannot stress enough is to never settle. for example if you made it out the hood and are now a teacher and living a comfortable life. why not aim to be a counselor, principle, super intendent. i guess there is no limit to how success you can be. anyhow this is my perception on success

  22. The measure of success depends on how hard you work to get to a goal. The more difficult something is, the more gratifying it feels to achieve it. Let's say I want to get an "A" in English, well if English is not my best subject then obviously I need to study more. Once I put in the work and achieve that "A" it is more self gratifying to me than than the "A" I get in math (as math is my better subject so I don't have to work as hard for it.) Success isn't only for school - It could be competing in a sport, trying to stop a bad habit, or sacrificing to save up for a house. Things may come more easy for some and more difficult for others - Like some people consider rich people to be successful, but if they didn't put any hard work into obtaining that money (ie got the money from mommy and daddy) I don't consider that to be successful. Basically the more work you put in it and the more difficult it is to achieve, the more self gratifying it feels. Nothing is worth doing unless you have to work for it, and once you do - that is success.

  23. If you listen to entertainers, it is measured entirely on how much money you have, spend, and what you spend it on. Houses are called "cribs" and they are measured by how big your car garage is.  And vacations are in private resorts where you go to a spa daily...

    For me, success is to sit down and make a list of everything you want in life, everything you want to do in life, and then go through life achieving everything on your list. NOT how much money I make or how big my "crib" is, number of cars I own, resort vacations I have taken.

    I have gotten about 80% of my list so far.

  24. success is accomplishing your own

    personal goals in life....

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