
What is Sweden's postion on the Lisbon Treaty?

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Widening? Deepening? Majority voting? Or any other information would be greatly appreciated.




  1. They've remained quite discreet, and did not place any demands (such as opt outs, etc...); Sweden has remained quite positive during the whole negotiation process (IGC and informal Council) Sweden shouldn't require a referendum to ratify the Treaty, so there hasn't been much noise. The only interesting point is that Sweden will take over the EU Council Presidency in 2009, around the time when it is thought the Treaty will come into effect; the country is therefore currently coordinating with France and the Czech Republic (the two preceding presidencies) to ensure proper implementation of the Treaty policies. All in all, Sweden has maintained a rather positive attitude towards the Lisbon Treaty. Swedish foreign Minister said, on October 24 that "the reform treaty...will give the EU greater possibilities to be the actor on security, on peace and on global issues that I think is called for."

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