
What is TRUE happiness? How do you obtain it?

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God? Money? Love? Something else? Please give me your opinion.




  1. Very good question!

    My true happiness is MY INNER PEACE,

    which is not something to make me immovable though without the flame of the passion for something I may work at.

    I just have to have my confidence into a relationship

  2. by letting the pursuit of happiness go

  3. Fulfillment. And in this is love, when you have done somehing kind or fulfilling you feel on top of the world.

    when you are trying to make happiness for yourself you feel loney, when you try and do it for someone else it can be fulfiling under the right cercumstances :)

  4. True happiness could be considered being content in your life, with more reason to go on than not to. Anything more than that is simply a higher level of happiness.

  5. True happiness is not obtained, it is realized... it is that resonation in your soul that comes from loving and being loved, accepting and being accepted, and listening and being understood. These exchanges can be between you and your higher power (God), your family, your spouse, your pet, even a stranger.

  6. happiness is a state of mind.

    people are unhappy because of expectations, discontentment, and lack of faith in God.

    if you have watched the movie "forrest gump", you will come to conclude that eveything I have listed above bears truth in it. In this film, the character played by tom hanks was sort of mentally challenged. He is no rocket scientist but because of his "simple mind" he does not have any expectations in his life. He just lived averyday as it comes. He had no expectations of the people around him nor did he have preconceived notions about them. He thinks like a child.. and he does not have anything against anyone.

    just look at a dog for instance. they don't have any expectations. they master's leave them all day and when he returns, the dog happily jumps into his lap and licks his face and follows him around.. they are loyal and they are even known to lay down their lives for their masters.

    and ultimately, if you have faith in God, live your life according to His will and know that Hw knows what is the best for you. That "where you are is where you need to be."

  7. I honestly believe 'true' happiness is unobtainable.

  8. true happiness is realizing it doesn't exist... getting on with your life and enjoying the moments that make you happy... smile at yourself in the mirror more...

  9. when you can sleep soundly in the night without having to worry about tomorrow. its true happiness when you can smile at hardships and challenges because you know you'll get over it.

  10. True happiness is achieving balance.

  11. I think you can attain happiness is self-contentment.

  12. I would say many things in yourself have to change in order to achieve happiness:

    1- materialistic desires have to be balanced or you will always want more. You do need them to live your life but you can live without them as well.

    2- you achieve self-satisfaction with who you are and what you have.

    3- pride of who you are and believe in your capability. Being a human you possess infinite potential to be who you want to be.

    Everyone has their own unique temporary solution to the problem of how to achieve happiness. Whether it's eating chocolate or talking with a loved one. However true happiness must surely be from an internal source, rather than external factors..

  13. Shared experience and shared knowledge.  All we can ever hope to do is share as much as possible.  Anything we don't share truly never actually happens.  Meet everyone, share everything you know, learn as much as you can from others.  The only thing we have available to us in life is the ability to interact with other people.  If you share a memory you know it really happened, so share everything you can.  Otherwise everything in your life will never be anything more than the firing of electrical synapses in your head.

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