
What is Tax habitaion in France, do you have to pay even if you do not live in France but have a house there?

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What is Tax habitaion in France, do you have to pay even if you do not live in France but have a house there?




  1. The "taxe d'habitation" is roughly the equivalent to the council tax. I am afraid there is no escape even if you only go there on hols... To avoid paying it, you'd have to live there permanently and pay your taxes in France AND have a very low income. Sorry.

    Linked article is in French, I am afraid.


  2. There are two taxes, the taxe foncière and the taxe d’habitation connected with property. The taxe foncière is the more expensive of the two taxes, sometimes twice the amount of the taxe d’habitation.

    Taxe foncière is payable by the owner, taxe d’habitation is payable by the occupier. However, the owner is liable if the occupier does not pay or if the house is unoccupied.

    The liability for the these taxes runs with the ownership of the property and has nothing to do with whether the owner is resident in France.

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