
What is Tesco's Motivations?

by Guest67146  |  earlier

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What is Tesco's Motivations?




  1. Profit as with any business.

    Any company who 'looks after it's customers', gives the best service, best prices, etc is purely playing the game.

    It's all about keeping the customer coming back and spending their money, absolutely nothing else.

  2. to rule the world!

  3. to take over argos...hint the tesco direct

  4. To put everyone else out of business. Our store has just expanded so that they can add a new furniture section. Greedy buggers. </3

  5. Tesco's motivation is making money....lots and lots of it. They want to be the biggest retailer in the world and they're doing a pretty good job of getting there!

    Did you know that pretty much all of the profits made by Tesco are not re-invested in the British economy and that they pay almost no UK tax on their profits despite the fact that £1.00 in every £7.00 spent on 'groceries' in the UK is in Tesco's.

    Market dominance on this scale is unprecedented in the British economy.....It has potentially serious ramifications for the consumer and the producer if it continues at such a pace....

    That's why I NEVER shop at Tescos.....they are too big and are spoiling our way of life.

  6. Greed.

  7. I don't care as long as everything stays cheap for us!! Clubcard deals are excellent, I can  take the kids out to all the big zoos and  leisure parks 4 times a year without it really costing me a penny, except petrol and a packed lunch, and then i get most of the packed lunch stuff from tesco and then that costs next to nothing too. Go tesco!!!  

    Oh yea, and if i get my petrol and the lunch in tesco i get more clubcard points towards the next lot of vouchers for the next day out ! How can you moan about that?


  8. Profit and the destruction of the traditional high street.

  9. world domination!!!

    im waiting for tesco hospitals soon!

  10. Money, money and ...forgot to mention money!

  11. With its motto: Every little helps- trying to help shoppers and grocers to make the most of what they purchase.  However, some are just for marketing strategies.

    Like any other business, they have the motivation to increase their profit, engage and compete other branded products with their own- making it cheaper and affordable as well.  To engage more people to buy and get to their goals, etc.

  12. To take on the world.. Seriously

  13. Certainly not their food. Bland is their range of choice at best..

  14. World domination.

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