
What is Texas Southern University Like?

by Guest56191  |  earlier

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im a senior in high school and i plan on attending texas southern university when i graduate so i was just wondering if anyone could tell me what its like to go there and what Houston Texas is like in general. I used to live in lubbock texas but i dont think its goin to be anything like houston lololol!!! tell me what you think please :D thank yall!




  1. i do not attend tsu but i hear good things an bad things about it good:pharmacy school+its one of the few schools in Texas that accepts you by g.p.a instead of class rank and also its an extra easy school to get in!!!! BAD:some of the service there is etc..and there was a case of bats in one dorm apartment but that's cleared up an also its not in the best hood in Houston lol!!! just get use to some of h-towns crackheads an you will b fine(i got this from my older sis who goes there i my self is going 2 leave  Houston for Austin so i can attend U.T im bleeding orange lol...only bcuz i lived in Houston my whole life so yea!!

  2. TSU has garnered a very bad reputation.  It's gone through scandal after scandal and has had major difficulty in even keeping its accreditation.  Also, it's located on the heart of one of the most crime-infested neighborhoods of Houston.  I really can't recommend Texas Southern.

    I personally went to Texas State University in San Marcos.  San Marcos is a small town and is, overall, a pretty safe place to live.  Even though it's a small town, there are lots of jobs and plenty to do in the area or in the neighboring cities of Austin and San Antonio.  Texas State is a large and well respected university and isn't overly difficult to get into.  I very much recommend Texas State and I hope you'll give it consideration.

    Good Luck!

  3. A degree from TSU is better than no degree at all.

    That being said, it has a really poor reputation. TSU has, for a long time, been run by a small and corrupt clique.

    If you were white and criticized the school they screamed and said you were racist. If you were black and criticized the school they screamed and called you an Oreo. This meant that for most people it was more trouble than it was worth to go after TSU and try to clean it up and enforce standards, so the place pretty much totally went to pot, academically and financially because nobody was enforcing any standards and there was no accountability.

    I don' t know about their other programs, ( I would like to think that what was said about the Pharmacy program being good was true) but their law school is pretty much a joke.  They admit anyone, fail nobody, and then when their graduates hit the bar exam, they get chewed up and spit out like yesterday's juicy fruit.  IT is so bad that the ABA may yank their status as a law school.

    The idea is a worthy one...TSU likes to say that by having low admissions standards they give people a chance, who otherwise couldn't get into college. I'm sure that in some cases that is true. In practice though TSU has a reputation of turning out graduates who really didn't belong in college in the first place, and weren't able to do college level work, and (since they went to TSU) never really had to do college level work.  I'm sure this is probably an unfair reputation in some, perhaps even many cases...but that's the reputation I've come to associate with TSU since I moved to Houston.

    It's also in a pretty rough neighborhood, near the U of H main campus.(which isn't in the best neighborhood either).

    Houston itself is really great. There are resturants, clubs, musuems, lots and lots of things to do. You need a car, and jobs are plentiful right now if you are willing to work.

    Good luck.

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