
What is The Answer to Every question in the universe?

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This is from hitchhikers guide to the galaxy




  1. Read the book "Gods Debris" (no it isnt a christian, or even religious book)

  2. 42.  

    It's the Ultimate Answer to "Life, the Universe, and Everything," not "the answer to every question in the universe."  NOOB.

    And the Ultimate Question is "What's the average IQ of the people who ask for the Ultimate Answer on Y/A's philosophy board --- and mess up the asking?"

  3. "Conciousness" because everything is conciousness in truth and everything we see, hear and feel are illusions percieved from the conciousness.  We as a whole dreamed them all up  because believe it or not it is how we wanted it all to be.  We just don't remember when we created the universe as we know it with our thoughts.  So since we don't know this again yet we can't change anything.

  4. yes.. or

  5. God

  6. 42 is the answer to the question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.

  7. Love others as you love yourself

  8. Tang

  9. 42

  10. NO

  11. santa claus

  12. By job I believe its 42.

  13. D. All of the above.

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