
What is The pH of Human Blood? Does What You Eat Impact It and If So, How?

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What is The pH of Human Blood? Does What You Eat Impact It and If So, How?




  1. blood has a ph of about 7.4 and it is a buffer which means that it resits change  to ph by minimising the effect. if ph is low i.e blood acidic then less co2 is produced from respiration, if opposite then more co2 is produced. co2 forms ascorbic acid in blood. as for foods that affect ph check this site which is very informative;

  2. Aprroximately 7.35-7.45

  3. pH will not increase based on what you because food does not go directly into your bloodstream, it is processed in your stomach and the nutrients go to your blood. This is called digestion.

    The pH is around 7.36-7.44 of the human body.

  4. y chem teacher said it was 7

    but blood is a buffer so thats why it doesnt affect us internally

  5. The pH of human blood is 7.35.

    No, what you eat has no impact on the pH of blood, before it is buffered by phosphate and bicarbonate-CO2.

  6. The  PH of human blood is at 7.35-7.45, which is neither acidic nor alkaline (buffer). Definitely the kind of food you eat can have an effect on your blood status. Have you heard of alkalosis and acidosis? Those conditions can be caused be our own bodies reaction to certain foods, or it could even be the way our body's metabolism works. There are medications that can counteract the effect of those two conditions.

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